Thursday, October 28, 2010

tracing yesterday

this is my friends' band that I took pictures of a while ago. this was sort of a difficult shoot for a few reasons: first, this was my very first photo shoot with teenage boys; second, teenage boys have trouble staying focused; and third, teenage boys like to blink a lot. BUT, it was a really fun, interesting day and these guys are awesome. :) here's the result!

 this is one of my favorites

                      I picture "Tracing Yesterday" written in the middle of the sky

                                                another favorite :)

                                  not gonna lie... this one makes me laugh

             I don't know what went wrong with the color here, but I guess it works?

          my camera decided to completely blow this picture out, but I kind of like it.

 messing around, being themselves

 I enjoy the lighting in this one. :)

 ooooh, I love walking shots.

and I end with the most epic jumping shadow shot ever taken.
(just kidding. but you have to admit it's pretty awesome.)

Monday, October 18, 2010


first of all, I need to apologize to Nicole for taking SO LONG to post these photos. she's been waiting in suspense to see her pictures for weeks! well, I hope this will be worth the wait. Nicole is a wonderful friend of mine, and she just happens to be beautiful and amazingly photogenic. I had so much fun taking these pictures as we wandered around town.. enjoy! :)

I like this one because it has tennis courts in the background, and Nicole is an excellent tennis player. :)

                                  I have never seen anyone so excited to pick berries.

"make a... rebellious face," I said.

                                                                 Nicole is so cute! :)

                                                      some people hug trees....
                                         Nicole hugs concrete pillars.

                   I know what you're thinking... I need new locations. I completely agree.
                     however, I absolutely love this door, and the look on her face.

                                                     these are possibly my favorites.

                                                   haha, oh Nicole.. what a rebel.

love these facial expressions.
so much.

                                                                    look at those eyes!

                                       okay, this one might also be my favorite. :)

                                                       I just had to post this one. >:)

                                            I told her to think about a cute boy.. ;)

one of the many old things we found...
we also found some ancient breath spray, but it was kind of gross-looking.

                                                      that's all, folks!
                                           (I hope you like them, Nicole)