Wednesday, August 18, 2010

liz (also known as ginga or yittle yiz)

this is my redhead/model friend, Liz. (okay, so she isn't actually a model, but she could be. she really is a redhead, though. :) ) these are some of our adventures we've had while exploring Mack Park.

forgive me for using the same location.. seeing as I'm not legally allowed to drive without a parent, my choices are somewhat limited.

okay, this one has a story behind it.
while Liz and I were innocently trying to take pictures in the middle of the street, I would barely have enough time for two shots before a car would come and we would have to run for our lives. living in Cache Valley, it isn't too odd to see a tractor on the road every now and again. this one happens to be the second tractor that tried to ruin our pictures, so liz said "Alysha. I HAVE to get a picture with this tractor."
and there you have it. :)

can I just tell you something right now?
her hair is naturally that beautiful and red. jealous? um yes!


"cartwheel!" liz randomly shouts. *click*

haha, I love this girl!

I love this one. her half-smile is so mysterious.

here it is again, modified.

It just occurred to me that I have many friends that could double as models.
good news for me!

okay, how can you NOT love this picture??

playing in the street.. :)

I think this one is my favorite. look at those eyes!

so pretty!

"I have to get some dramatic ones, Liz."
I'm not sure if it turned out dramatic, but oh well.

and finally, my most successful shadow shot.

the end!

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